
Red Tour Became One of the Best Tour Route in China

Live in a cave eating pumpkin red line. Yikusitian added a lot of red tourism trip. Reporters learned that the red tourism, visitors can not only visit the sacred place of revolution, but also experienced the year's basic necessities, such as in Yan'an trip visitors will be arranged to live in a cave to taste the life of the Red Army that year. In Jinggangshan, visitors to the Red Army to eat red rice, pumpkin porridge. best China tour Party members and even many units are specially arranged the trip in the red line, in the sacred place of revolution collective organizing new members sworn.

Private incentives to employees to do the red tour "Song of the organization over and over the red red tour this year, a thorough review again the history of the revolution." Organs in Beijing Wujiang told a reporter, the unit employees at the end of the first organizations to Lushan, Jinggangshan revolutionary sites, and even travel with the study tour, party activists have to write a tour feelings. Red tour this year, more than 90% of all unit employees to participate in the organization. Are the units of collective summer every summer travel season, this year many units have opted for the red line. Units in the organization is in Beijing as authorities, colleges, research institutions and other state-owned enterprises and institutions based. Surprisingly, many private sector employees also chose to visit with the red tourist routes, the red tourism employees as a reward.

Engaged in the development of private China best tours educational software boss Mr. Song told reporters, "I have a lot of people are spoiled after '85 'with them to re-take the revolutionary way, by good education by the red, at least they know the hard work, valuable , is also helpful for future work. "For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour.

