
Best China Tour: Yulong Snow Mountain

June 2010, the Yulong Snow Mountain Scenic Spot by the National Tourism Administration identified as the first national tourism standardization pilot units. Since the pilot units to determine since the area has established a standardized management system, set up a leading best China tour group for standardization and supervision department, developed a series of corporate standards. In the standardization work carried out and test run enterprise standards to achieve quality of service, brand image, enhance the overall efficiency of the three.

Since the implementation of tourism standardization, Yulong Snow Mountain scenic tourist area greatly enhance the software and hardware development, strengthening of civil service awareness, there are plans to carry out service training, give full play to the center of tourism quality supervision, China best tours quality control and management functions, and strengthen quality supervision of front-line travel inspection, has received very good results. According to statistics, visitor satisfaction survey in the first quarter were maintained at 95%, especially tourism standardization work carried out since the pilot, reducing the amount of complaints from tourists, no tourist administration departments that have responsibility for complaints within the time limit for dealing with customer complaints office end rate of 100%, satisfaction with complaint handling tourists in more than 95%. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Mountain Jiuhua Starts Standardization

Standardization is a fine restaurant management core. Cliff Hotel Shandong dishes vigorously Jiuhua standardization, uniform food name, ingredients and dishes of various quantitative component, the cuisine of the picture, name, production methods, ingredients, make uniform regulations, uniform best China tour posted on the wall, to ensure that the number of dishes in the shape , consistent taste. Jiuhuashan Tourism Development Corporation under the hotel has formed its own unique food culture, Dongya Hotel emblem emblem pot rhyme, Parc Royale Hotel farm eighteen bowls, vegetarian feast, Xifeng Villa features wedding, a large Jiuhua Hotel Brazilian barbecue. welcomed by customers and overseas visitors.

Of Tourist Development Corporation to create provincial standards hundred Villa of Good Practice for the pilot, the management systems and work processes of organic integration, the process of scientific induction service, the service management of all aspects of the specific requirements, carry out a comprehensive study of the development of service standards work for a better standard of travel China best tours services to expand coverage, promotion, evaluation of tourism standards, form a Jiuhuashan unique mode of administration work to lay a solid foundation, standardization of service quality to enhance the promotion of the role of tourism increasing. Names flag is set in the work area, the council set up in time to correct the names of non-standard implementation of existing national standards, national standard branch control "sign names" (GB17733-2008) careful verification, strictly, is not effective in that the signs meet the standard identification, the sign area to achieve standards set names. , For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Tour Team Leader Construction

In China, the team leader posts had been set up in 1983, but really started to manage the provinces since 2001. Province as a tourist, the rapid development of outbound tourism in Zhejiang, the rapid increase in the number of team leader. However, the increase is not proportional with the leader best China tour of the management, training, communication lag. In fact, the leader in outbound travel in the shoulder a great responsibility, if the tour is a bridge to connect visitors with the destination, then the leader is to ensure that we enjoy to play an important rear. But with the maturity of the industry standard guide than the industry leader there is a huge gap.

"Tour diary" and online training activities examined, both for trade exchange provides a good platform, but also through online learning for its own testing to help team leader may say, the basic knowledge, policies and regulations, English language ability, knowledge to do ambulance sort of a system. Convenient operation in the form of its own, rich and practical activities, all showing the development of the China best tours industry leader will become more standardized, industry events will become increasingly rich. Tourism Bureau, Zhejiang Province, Zhao Jinyong leader in the campaign message to you for the hope that through this event that they become the "appreciation of beauty, that the United States, showing the beauty and the creation of America's workers and disseminators of civilization." Demonstrate the overall quality of the province's leader, the leader of the industry to regulate scientific management, Zhejiang would greatly stimulate the vitality of the industry, but also for the sound development of the province's tourism industry has brought an innovative style.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


China West Lake Opens Freely

West Lake is China's "World Heritage List," only a world heritage cultural heritage lake class, is now the "World Heritage List" in the cultural heritage of one of the few lakes best China tour class. Class cultural heritage with these lakes compared to the West Lake showing the unique cultural landscape "Oriental culture name Lake" features.

"The purpose of the inscription is to protect the lake for the benefit of future generations, to live for a 2000 West Lake Protecting Lake West Lake is always the eternal theme, the West Lake in Hangzhou will be successful nomination as the new starting point." Director of the Standing Committee of Hangzhou West Lake inscription group leader Wang Guoping said.
With the consideration of China Lake also accept the original items still in Heilongjiang Wudalianchi scenic, but at the last minute to opt out of Wudalianchi, West became China best tours the only conference at the World Heritage of China projects the last sprint, and finally passed the General Assembly. Presided over the West Lake in the preparation of the text of the inscription China Architecture Design & Research Institute of Architectural History seems to Chen Bin, Lake Success inscription is not much suspense, involved in the assessment of content distribution in the lake and surrounding mountains about 43 square kilometers range, can be described from the West Lake scenic area, "selecting the best." For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


China Jiangsu Travel Fair

It is reported that the current Travel Fair organized by the Zhejiang Provincial Tourism Bureau, Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, including municipalities Tourism Board (Board) and other units of co, while enjoying the Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau and the Shanghai Municipal Tourism Bureau best China tour and a number of units of support. It is the first time moved to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, is the third held in different places of the province's largest tourism trade fair.
The other is understood that in 2011 China International Tourism Commodity Fair will be held June 24 to 27 in Yiwu International Exhibition Centre. Expo will be "trade event, the trend of wind direction, cooperation and win-win" as the theme. Equipment during the exhibition tour, China best tours hotel supplies travel products, set up 2,000 international standard booths, is expected to nearly 100,000 professional buyers at home and abroad participating. Compared with the previous theme of the exposition more clear, exhibit a more professional, richer, more effective market-oriented operation, logistical support will also be more in place. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


China Intangible Cultural Heritage Park is to Open in Hefei

China (Hefei) Intangible Cultural Heritage Park is located in Wolong Mountain Hehuai Road next to the total area of ​​3,500 acres, is the first of the "intangible best China tour cultural heritage" concentrated rescue, protection, inheritance and innovation base, including the Millennium hundreds of hands resort, customs catering resort, the Grand View Garden Chinese mythology, the Ming and Qing Palace Theater in 10 districts.

Heritage Park to the promoter region of non-performing arts-based, to create "dream emblem five thousand," a large water real musical, performing arts to form a rich economic circle. The Ming and Qing Palace Theatre, all-day round of play and play all kinds of large-scale international cultural exchange and cultural performances, while demonstrating the profound cultural emblem. Millennium artisans clusters, the main structure has been built, some non-heritage project has been settled, the ongoing internal decoration. The dining area is stepping up construction of national, some food companies have early intervention.

Reporters learned that the non-heritage Park spent more China best tours
 than 140 million from the acquisition of four southern Anhui Shexian baby, including Xifeng floor, see the gate, building pavilions and gates. These ancient Ming and Qing buildings were purchased, the local professional removal staff, its number is removed, transported to the non-heritage park, and then build in accordance with the ancient art of re-build up and keep moving to the former style. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Wudang God Play Listed as National Intangible Cultural Heritage

Recently, the State Department announced the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage directory Danjiangkou Wudang God play one of them, this is the city's best China tour rich folk culture tourism products to add new content. Currently, the Danjiangkou was officially listed as a national intangible cultural heritage tourism products has reached four.

Wudang God play mainly used percussion accompaniment, including the two-chamber (the new tunes, old cavity) five tone (tight Ba Cha tone, slow Ba Cha tone, second-rate adjustment, garland transfer, sell Cuihua notes), musical instruments include gongs, drums, side drum, suona with Sheng; major productions of "East will", "free" Friends, "white fan in mind," "four to persuade," "Butterfly Lovers" and so on. Wudang Wudang God play reflects the geographical and cultural context of development and people's living conditions and social progress of history. The study of Taoist culture, drama development path and the construction and development of Wudang Mountain has significant historical reference. Of the opera the breadth of the diversity of tunes, the flexibility of expression has China best tours a certain theatrical research value.

In 2009, the production of "Green Village drama series" herbal, reporting on the national intangible cultural heritage. In 2010 the town built Qingtang performing arts complex building, strengthening the Wudang God play area hardware facilities, experts and scholars to further argument. June 2011, Wudang play God to declare national intangible cultural heritage to be successful. The gods play World Heritage List, without God, can effectively protect the heritage of the play, but also for enhancing Danjiangkou culture, the development of cultural tourism, and to increase awareness have played a positive role. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Nanjing Beer Festival

Waves of joy, Jiangning intoxicated. The evening of June 11, from Jiangning Tourism Council, China Resources Snow Breweries (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., Nanjing Yiwu Commodity City, jointly sponsored Jiangning Snow Beer Festival opening ceremony of the second commodity in Yiwu City, Area C, best China tour Square held a grand. Jiang Ning Meijing Oktoberfest with this tour, visiting the store, Yiwu, drink beer, snow, quality snacks for the main event, so that more people experience the authentic beer culture, the release of summer passion, enjoy the holiday feast, feeling Jiangning tourism .
Oktoberfest will continue until this August 31, during the Snow and Nanjing Yiwu Commodity City Exhibition will be held in various forms, content-rich activities, Kara OK contest, beer and other rock night will bring joy to the people , win prizes and souvenirs; "Special Night Market Street, Amoy endless benefits" so that everyone in the beer products, taste delicious at the same time, Tao Jin benefits. In addition, China best tours the Oktoberfest will be opened during the "Fangshan - Snow Breweries - Yiwu Commodity City" tours, so that the public tour Jiang Ning Meijing the same time, to experience how the lead of beer.

Jiangning Jiangning STB with rich tourism resources and snow Jiangning Nanjing plant in this unique location advantage, and try to "snow Oktoberfest" accomplishing Jiangning and Nanjing influential festival activities.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best Tour for Students to Relief Stress

Tight entrance is finally over, the candidates how they relax? To travel is a good choice. Reporters learned from the major travel agencies in Wuhu, from 9 onwards, candidates have been accompanied by their parents travel agent tours and enrollment Offered tourism. This year's best China tour summer tour of the tourism product began to warm up, industry sources said primary and secondary students with summer approaching, the summer tour ahead, the tourist routes will have different ranges of prices. Decompression of a discount travel hot tourist

Recently, in Anhui CYTS, a mother and daughter are consulting these days to Huangshan travel routes and prices, the daughter is just attended the exam. Mother told reporters, "there are two weeks away from the test results announced, this time to take my daughter to go out and play, relax relax."  China best tours The reporter noted that the travel agency who also played college entrance examination candidates with special ticket can enjoy the preferential policies for all lines, take the day tour of Huangshan, the 400 yuan price of entrance can be a naturally straight down 100 yuan. In addition to Huangshan, rafting and other short-term travel, travel agency staff Wang told reporters, the candidates are to consult the medium to long term tourism mainly in Qingdao, Xi'an and Jiuzhaigou, "to see the sea of Qingdao to Xian to see the World Park, go to Jiuzhaigou reward beauty. "In addition, the "Semiotic" in Guilin some time ago because it is the rainy season, travel moratorium group, from now on, the line has also been re-opened everyone's favor. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best Summer Resort in China

Summer, hot weather, people upset, but this time located in China's vast land of the big valley, but it is suitable temperature, feels cool and comfortable, best China tour starting in this season, to the Grand Canyon, also can feel the unique beauty of the summer, so what, let's go. Appropriate travel time 5-foot regional climate in October: Nyingchi is located in southern Tibet, by the sub-tropical and cold climate with so many types and different climate zones are also different. Wrong more wet and cold spring high lake, China best tours
cool in summer, autumn is the most beautiful season. Best Walking time: early June-October to mid-foot Brahmaputra Grand Canyon is the time, 10 months later due to heavy snow, Medog will seal off until the following June, can not access. April and October are the best seasons to enter the Medog, which two months rainfall in the vicinity of the Grand Canyon, no landslides and debris flow hazards. The June to August rainy season, some paths out of Medog is perilous., For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Red Tour Became One of the Best Tour Route in China

Live in a cave eating pumpkin red line. Yikusitian added a lot of red tourism trip. Reporters learned that the red tourism, visitors can not only visit the sacred place of revolution, but also experienced the year's basic necessities, such as in Yan'an trip visitors will be arranged to live in a cave to taste the life of the Red Army that year. In Jinggangshan, visitors to the Red Army to eat red rice, pumpkin porridge. best China tour Party members and even many units are specially arranged the trip in the red line, in the sacred place of revolution collective organizing new members sworn.

Private incentives to employees to do the red tour "Song of the organization over and over the red red tour this year, a thorough review again the history of the revolution." Organs in Beijing Wujiang told a reporter, the unit employees at the end of the first organizations to Lushan, Jinggangshan revolutionary sites, and even travel with the study tour, party activists have to write a tour feelings. Red tour this year, more than 90% of all unit employees to participate in the organization. Are the units of collective summer every summer travel season, this year many units have opted for the red line. Units in the organization is in Beijing as authorities, colleges, research institutions and other state-owned enterprises and institutions based. Surprisingly, many private sector employees also chose to visit with the red tourist routes, the red tourism employees as a reward.

Engaged in the development of private China best tours educational software boss Mr. Song told reporters, "I have a lot of people are spoiled after '85 'with them to re-take the revolutionary way, by good education by the red, at least they know the hard work, valuable , is also helpful for future work. "For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour.


THree Kingdoms Park--Best Tour Destination during May Day

5.1 a three-day holiday with the sisters about the trip, had not much attraction in Hefei, in addition to almost run nearby, so where to go to become a focus of discussion. Hefei, after all, is an ancient city with 2000 years of history, known as "three old haunt, Bao home, "said. In urban development, most of the time are more quiet, the only continuous flash, is the most prominent position in Chinese history, the most important period, best China tour that is, three times! Thought to want to go to the park decided to go to three sites (although some have been to.) Peas can not take into account the capacity of the car, so I volunteered to traffic problems themselves, and her husband first before going to work me to the botanical gardens, and then I went to three sites in the origin station, take bus park, early results than the agreed time of 1 Hours, consult a black ball, I bought the first ticket for admission.

Built at the site based on the site of the park covers an area of ​​530 Hefei three acres, located in Luyang District, Hefei, Anhui Province, aviation, rail, road transport facilities, is a patriotic education base in Hefei, the city's most scenic spots and cultural connotations. Because the festival's sake, China best tours into a gate take a stand, is performance. So I found a suitable place, look at the performance. Closer look, on stage dancing, graceful dancers actually are senior beauty, watching, big sister on one side and talk to an actor, in fact they are older troupe members in Hefei, retirement, and not too lonely silence Life, not satisfied with shopping, cooking, grandchildren, most of the members also maintain a good body, dancing like it was a norm and night.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best Tours For China Graduates

With the entrance end, candidates have ushered in a rare easy day. After a short rest then, many candidates start out of the house, or shopping, or travel, or plan to reward driving test ... ... children, parents have played a dig pockets also expand the public business, "students of economic"Competition. While, best China tour after the examination Great heat. Fight promotion, pushing the new "catch"students Economy

First, consumer electronic products become big hits with the students. "These days, the students look at the computer next wave of wave. "12 am, in Zhongcheng a certain brand of digital computer stores in shopping malls, surnamed Cui staff are too busy to introduce students to come to buy a computer computer Configuration. According to the staff, the price of around 5,000 models in the most popular students, "after the college entrance examination, we have introduced several promotional products, and some direct price of 1,000 yuan. China best tours " This reporter learned that, in order to win a share of the economy after the examination, many businesses launch new products. Suning Appliance, a computer store staff of foreign brands, said to reporters recently that they will launch the machine five or six new models are introduced for the students, in August after another with the admission notice issued, the candidates will come to buy the machine More, when the intensity of each business activity will be greater.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour.


Report on China Leisure Tour

Travel and Leisure Finance and Trade Economics Chinese Academy of Social Research released a "Report of Leisure Development in China 2010-2011, "the research results, covering developments in our national recreation, leisure and development of related industries, tourism, best China tour leisure, culture and leisure, sports and leisure development Trends and local issues such as leisure development experience. Also issued a second of the "leisure of the Green Paper", which covers more than thirty three special reports, covering leisure and related industries, leisure and public administration, national leisure, leisure hotspot, drawing, etc. of foreign cases.

General Coordination Division, National Tourism Administration, Zhang Jian Zhong said at the press conference, December 2010, in Zhuhai, China National Tourism Administration held a national work conference on leisure, which was an administrative management system first deployed by the industry to guide recreational development, which clearly The general idea of the development of leisure, objectives and guiding means. The experts pointed out that China's leisure industry has developed rapidly, the prospects bright. However, as a developing country, our citizens leisure awareness and leisure activities is just beginning, there are some problems, including: first, the concept behind the leisure, health and recreation development restricted; second, the inadequate supply of leisure, leisure China best tours constraints Further market development; third, residents choose leisure single, restricted leisure industry diversity. Experts said the development of leisure industry is still in its infancy, needs strong media publicity and public health guidance, the joint efforts of the whole society and attention.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour.


Travel to China West Lake

To Zhejiang, did not go to Hangzhou, pity too! The beauty of Hangzhou, is the simple right and wrong trace of her free and easy Smart, handsome and elegant. Hangzhou, landscape beauty, beauty characters, stories and more! West Lake, which flow thousands of years of love, such best china tour as lake water, you're the one on the Lake's beauty and engaging, West Zhejiang Grand Canyon rafting out a passion and cool.1. West Lake, a sincere love flowing

User process images from the same donkey team blog "World Lake xxxvi, there is a world best in Hangzhou. " Sunny beauty of West Lake, the water is glittering, wet mountain air and Mongolia. Neither snow nor rain Partly cloudy, no matter as early as late-hui Xia, can changes into the scene; in the spring flowers, autumn moon, Xiahe, each with the beauty of winter snow. Lakes with Sir Georg Solti, china best tours two King said a section of the beautiful scenery. Press and hold the White Snake Pagoda, tears flowing beauty of the West Lake water, absolute love through the ages to the beauty of West Lake, more of a human! 1-5 to West Lake Road travel can take the tour buses for the automatic coin, ticket fare 2 million. Rent a bicycle in the West, Central West and the line, beautiful and environmentally friendly.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


China Best Tours in Shanghai

Our raft has been no mosquito village. No mosquitoes in the Luxi River Village area east spunk-water rock Xu Village, 50 families have more than 200 people, according to Xu Zhenjun seed set. Always rely on fishing, farming and living, the village of human more longevity, so there longevity village said. Village yard, mountainous scenery, verdant trees, the village, the village before the blue waves, Vessels shuttle, where the cool, mild climate. But the village there is a strange phenomenon, that is not the mosquito, known as the "mosquito-free village ", best china tour is a very desirable summer resort. Luxi River on a bamboo raft in the water before the line broke, the two sides when craggy rocks. Both sides of the mountains are not high, Gang Luan ups and downs. Like the waves afar solidification; close look at the rocks, bamboo, trees, farm matched. These large and small, tall and straight, but not steep mountains, right into every competition show.

God alone show Koho ​​drum stone, also known as mushroom, called "knock Shek Kwu not. " Shek Kwu Legend of God was originally a temple Kanayama Gexian drums. This side drum, the sound of knocking a year, ghosts tremble; year knocked two loud, five desires Fengdeng; Knock Three Times a year, domestic animals thrive. china best tours, A monk can not understand Temple Tour regulations, and even struck ten ring, alerted the Fearless, the Jade Emperor made ​​a decree sealed disabled, God punished the drum that it is wrong, against, begins with the drum rolled down the shelves, they go to Zhang Tian, roll Lung Fu Shan is home to the next. Mushroom rock called the writer behind the peak, the peak height of about 80 meters writer. Distance from the north, much like the Lu Xun's head, like Gorky's head, so called writer peak.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


My Best Tour in China

Guangzhou travel twice a year have been a few years, the feeling of the city has become increasingly clear up without incident on Sunday evening leisure, lazy to cuddle on the sofa suddenly willing to record it, first of all is to eat . Say eat in Guangzhou, in my opinion, not fact. best china tour Canton does have some their own specialties, such as: East goats, all kinds of signs that is slippery, tender chicken, all kinds of praise are very tasty soup, but with the gradual increase of foreign population, local dishes from around the Food and beverage industry have been landing in Guangzhou, especially in Hunan, Hubei cuisine filled the main streets of Guangzhou.

Guangzhou, local dishes to cater to the tastes of these foreign workers, largely lost their original characteristics, fresh, tender, clear , Cool to be thick, heavy, spicy, salty gradually replaced, you want to eat a dish of authentic authentic Guangzhou difficult, improved food to eat in these places is neither fish nor fowl, lost its local flavor and should be Taste, price is not really enjoys, I remember 8 china best tours, years ago to go to Guangzhou in the evening after the cessation of work, you just walked into a restaurant or a street stand, without spending lots of money to eat a meal very unique Guangzhou cuisine, in particular, was impressed by the street hot pot, a few people sitting together, point a few stalls of fresh on the head, lamb or tender beef, eat a snake, then the price is not expensive, Some more water Lingling vegetables, seafood is a lot of varieties, free to be it, and each fresh, four, five One hundred dollars to eat there you can eat cool cool. These are only memories now, and even the Pearl River on the Sai Kung Seafood stalls canceled last year, the same as to eat seafood with customers, and only very far away from the hotel to the sand, well not to mention, prices are high Scary, Montreal sewers and selling endless in children, one of the few hotels are full of people crowded, serving extremely slow, lost the taste of dishes and share a quiet calm, like go to the market in general.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Small Group Tours China

If you insist I live in a big city, I preferred the Guangzhou - inherent laziness, always a soft spot something familiar and customary. Relatively speaking, I prefer Guangzhou is like because she gave her line drawing was presented to each person, and left in their own little piece of heart, hung the sign china small group tours No Admittance. I remember one time, the students at home birthday parties to 12:00 scattered, walking in Central City on the road, looking up from time to time wrapped International Hotel, Garden Hotel and the serenity of the neon glow. Taxi parked in the street in twos and threes, the driver in the yawning, lazy look forward to the next one some business. Pedestrians on the sidewalk in twos and threes but still form, color and gone, I do not know just finished adding classes before going home or taking advantage of the close to reach the next hangout. small group tours china, Cool with a little light rain to partially drunk and I feel very comfortable. Knowledge of the city in the heart of the hustle and bustle during the day after, did not expect such a little drunk but also a rainy night in her warmth and smell the mysterious side.

  In Beijing, each time to go out and do not in between should be considered for a long time. Because the trip is not easy at the door, when to consider out of no traffic jams, but also consider how to more convenient and cost-effective. In Beijing, if the bus can be down to two or three times, will china small group tours not play cars. Two or three cents of the bus, and 10 per start, 2 yuan / km, compared to rent, or very attractive. Therefore, Beijing's bus and subway often people miserable.For more information, please click to http://onlinechinatours23.blogspot.com/



China Best Tour Destination

 Guangzhou is a quiet city. Perhaps, he did not vigor Shenzhen, Shanghai fashion, Beijing's "culture "; but he did not helpless in Shenzhen, Shanghai, vanity, arrogance and Beijing. So it is a best China tour. Guangzhou is an inclusive city, whether you are a millionaire or a man in the street, where can find their best China tour own paradise. More money, you can go to the White Swan morning tea; less money, and street two dollars of rice rolls taste good. In Guangzhou, no one will be normal and look down your dress, because many wealthy Guangzhou, the local dress is so common.

This one used to be known as the "barbarian land " where it is now the largest city in South China. If we say one thing to describe China Best tour  with Guangzhou, I think that using "old fire soup" to appropriate. Guangzhou, located in the south because the climate hot, humid, with the Pearl River water quality is Chinese call "hot ", so almost every family in Guangzhou every day for several hours to burn a pot boil the "Old Fire Soup "to nourish moisture. In do not understand this "old fire soup " of people's eyes, it is not a pot of boiled water, respectively, but know it, Best China Tour appreciate its people's eyes, it is the infinite delicacy. Guangzhou is a highly inclusive city, the immigrant population accounted for more than 60% of the total population, as did the old fire soup, a pot of delicious from a variety of materials. Guangzhou content China best tour

to the materials, such as the old fire soup, rich and heavy weight, because of this rich and thick foundation, nourishing each to Guangzhou, Guangzhou and fellow citizens to develop the field, in this piece of land was ideal for the self- improvement Commitment.If we say that the atmosphere of Beijing, Shanghai is fashion, then Guangzhou is hard. If you want to know more, please click: http://onlinechinatours23.blogspot.com/

The Charming Yuyuan Gardon in Shanghai

The Elegant Environment of Yuyuan Gardon
It is said that Shanghai Yuyuan Garden have been built in the Ming Dynasty with a history of over 400 years as one of attractions of Shanghai travel. The charming scenery, exquisite layout and the artistic style of the garden architecture have made the garden one of the highlights of Shanghai.

One of the highlights of the garden is the Exquisite Jade Rock. It is a 5-ton,  porous, beautifully-shaped, peculiar-looking rock, which is believed to have been carried from Tai Lake in Wuxi, Jiangsu province.The nearby bazaar area offers good shopping opportunities, where traditional Chinese products and jewels and gold are on sale.
Yuyuan Gardon in Shanghai

Besides the Yuyuan garden, you can enjoy Buddism Tours from Shanghai tour packages, such as Jade Buddha temple is another highlight of shanghai which will bring you an unforgettable experience. If you want to know more info about Jade Buddha temple, please click to http://onlinechinatours23.blogspot.com/