
Tour China: Xiaoshan Tour Schedule

The second session of the World Leisure Expo will be held September 17 at the grand opening of the beautiful Xiang Lake, Xiaoshan Leisure Expo as the current main campus, will become the domestic and overseas tourists gathered in a joyous, leisure and tourism destination. August 17, from the Second World Leisure Expo held one month countdown to the occasion, held the second session of Xiaoshan District, off the main park of Xiaoshan Fair Xianghu two open park-cum-press conference by more than 30 domestic and foreign media and even to the nation invitation to the world.
Xiaoshan Leisure Expo is the one of the three main campus, is the most organized activities, the most important component of a main campus. Two months, Xiaoshan, including the main campus will host the opening ceremony, casual big stage, and closing ceremonies of the three main activities, Qianjiang Tidal Bore Festival and surfing tournaments, sports carnival, riding the Fourth Conference of Hangzhou, Hangzhou International Conference Yi-line in 12 special events, fairs and other tourism products in the first 10 supporting activities, and international exhibitions, seven women silk exhibition, and the first international city Hangzhou world Leisure Industry competitiveness Forum, 10 large conference, a total of various activities as many as 42.
To take full advantage of the influence of Leisure Expo platform to further increase the publicity and promotion efforts, Xiaoshan District, hit the "East China will be the new living room leisure paradise" tourism brand promotion through tourism, leisure and experience point award, the first trade fair of tourism products Hugh Bo tour supporting activities such as 10 show competition Xiaoshan tourism charm. Meanwhile, the Fair this year off before the second session of the Leisure Expo supporting the construction of 2.88 square km Xianghu two new core area will be unveiled. Xianghu two total planned area of ​​5.95 square kilometers, of which there are two square kilometers the lake is a lake of 1.7 times. Xianghu two after the completion of the entire Xianghu will form "a lake, the second zone, three parks, four-center, five hotels, top ten scenic spots or 50 spots," the style. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour

