
Best China Tour in Zhejiang

"Plum" is the West Lake "inscription" After the success of the first typhoon hit, at present, the West Lake scenic area of trees have been reinforced with steel to fight the wind, to prevent lodging. Meanwhile, the West Lake scenic area real-time information linked with the meteorological department, once the wind more than six, all the boats on the lake will be closed.

Travel to defend against typhoons, have suspended the Zhejiang coast tours. Ctrip suspended this weekend all the Zhejiang coast line, active discouraging tourists, refund orders for costs. Suspension lines are Zhoushan Putuo Mountain, Peach Blossom Island, Shengsi and Ningbo Xiangshan, Shipu and other coastal islands like short swim team.

Zhejiang Tourism Bureau issued a typhoon defense notice, requiring visitors to leave well prepared, if necessary, using a variety of effective and timely manner will be affected by typhoons in coastal areas tourists to withdraw security to ensure the safety of tourists. At the same time strengthen the hillside, along the river, brook and reservoirs, lakes and other regional tourism destinations geological disaster prevention.

6 "Oriental Valentine's Day" Tanabata, also coincides with the weekend, many couples may have to travel together to the stars, listening to heartfelt thoughts go under the grape arbor and enjoy the romantic moment. However, bad weather, "Plum" strong incoming tourism department recommends couples, travelers to postpone travel dates, avoid the typhoon.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour

