
Subway in Hong Kong

Peak daily commuters, the crowded subway station in Hong Kong can be said that the modern city is a great spectacle. Dark mass, density hemp head, heavy footsteps stagger, merged into a magnificent torrent of passengers, it is staggering.

Subway station platform, more people are also lining up the arrival of the train. Car came, the orderly flow of people in all corners of the dispersed to the car, which is not mixed with any water crowded than that of Shanghai Za Za whirring, you compete with the crowded, much more to it. Solidly packed the car, but you can not hear the voices of passengers.

Hong Kong's working hours are generally 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm, but in fact work on time in accordance with the provisions of Hong Kong is small. They seem to have endless things, no overtime pay for overtime is a very common thing.

From evening to late at night, can work in the subway station to see the male and female staff. This time, people are usually excited, and unrestrained, sloppy. They stepped on the pace of light, smug in small groups to subway station, this is undoubtedly the morning crowded subway with gentle restraint when it looks like a big difference. Noisy, chaotic, passengers twice than usual voice, his face is suddenly rich to life.

For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour.


Tour China: Xiaoshan Tour Schedule

The second session of the World Leisure Expo will be held September 17 at the grand opening of the beautiful Xiang Lake, Xiaoshan Leisure Expo as the current main campus, will become the domestic and overseas tourists gathered in a joyous, leisure and tourism destination. August 17, from the Second World Leisure Expo held one month countdown to the occasion, held the second session of Xiaoshan District, off the main park of Xiaoshan Fair Xianghu two open park-cum-press conference by more than 30 domestic and foreign media and even to the nation invitation to the world.
Xiaoshan Leisure Expo is the one of the three main campus, is the most organized activities, the most important component of a main campus. Two months, Xiaoshan, including the main campus will host the opening ceremony, casual big stage, and closing ceremonies of the three main activities, Qianjiang Tidal Bore Festival and surfing tournaments, sports carnival, riding the Fourth Conference of Hangzhou, Hangzhou International Conference Yi-line in 12 special events, fairs and other tourism products in the first 10 supporting activities, and international exhibitions, seven women silk exhibition, and the first international city Hangzhou world Leisure Industry competitiveness Forum, 10 large conference, a total of various activities as many as 42.
To take full advantage of the influence of Leisure Expo platform to further increase the publicity and promotion efforts, Xiaoshan District, hit the "East China will be the new living room leisure paradise" tourism brand promotion through tourism, leisure and experience point award, the first trade fair of tourism products Hugh Bo tour supporting activities such as 10 show competition Xiaoshan tourism charm. Meanwhile, the Fair this year off before the second session of the Leisure Expo supporting the construction of 2.88 square km Xianghu two new core area will be unveiled. Xianghu two total planned area of ​​5.95 square kilometers, of which there are two square kilometers the lake is a lake of 1.7 times. Xianghu two after the completion of the entire Xianghu will form "a lake, the second zone, three parks, four-center, five hotels, top ten scenic spots or 50 spots," the style. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Best China Tour Agency in Ningbo

Recently, the China National Tourism Administration announced the 2010 list of the hundred travel agencies, travel agencies selected Yinzhou Ningbo China, which is the third consecutive year that the travel award. It is understood that the province's total of eight hundred travel agencies selected for the national community.

Ningbo mainly engaged in travel agency business travel, tourist attractions development and management, air ticketing, conferences and business, large (festival) event planning and other business organizations, has established a nationwide business matching, marketing, hospitality services network, is moving in international, network, and brand direction. The travel agency with its strong marketing network and outreach entry advantage, among the best in the city's travel industry, to guide the industry to further excellence in competition, bigger and stronger to play a positive role model.
It is understood, according to the National Tourism Bureau, "Statistics Law", "Travel Regulations" and "travel survey system", etc., organized the 2010 annual national travel survey work. National Travel Survey by indicators and the situation assessment, named its 2010 annual list of the hundred travel agencies.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Huaian Tourism Schedule

Liu Yongzhong, insisting that raising the level of content in the expansion of tourism in enhancing the overall strength and core competitiveness. First, the characteristics of brand building efforts. Dig Journey to the West culture, Huaiyang culture, the Grand Canal and cultural content, to accelerate the development of a number of distinctive regional characteristics of the tourism brand. Effort to create a group of eco-leisure boutique items, and further development of red tourism resources. Second, work hard in science and technology enterprise. Actively adapt to information technology, digital times, accelerate the development of cultural and creative, digital entertainment, high-tech tourism products, tourism and science and technology to promote better integration. Third, in efforts to extend the industrial chain. Increase tourism value added, to achieve industrial economy by the economy to shift tickets. Development of the tourism industry and combine the three industries, expanding tourism space, rich in tourism content, form a comprehensive, cost-effective tourism industry chain.

Wang Yong-hong province in his speech recalled the "Eleventh Five-Year" has made ​​remarkable achievements in tourism development, profound analysis of the "five" opportunities and challenges facing the development, set goals and tasks of the next five years. Wang Yong-hong highly Huai'an tourism development, she pointed out, Huai'an tourism in the province has a north-south pattern, driven by the important role of northern Jiangsu. "Eleventh Five-Year", Huai'an tourism sustained rapid economic growth in the province struggle to achieve the advanced position, in northern Jiangsu province has become the jewel in the plate, showing three "bright spot": tourism brand image of the bright, tourism festival attractive light, bright tourist reception facilities. She hopes to further highlight the policy to promote the Huai, and strengthen tourism development efforts; prominent brand features, improving the competitiveness of the tourism industry; prominent people-oriented, comprehensive travel service system, promote sound and rapid development of tourism.

To implement the spirit of the meeting, stressed the high snow-kun, make great efforts in three areas: First, to promote key projects and work hard. Early tour of the construction of key projects identified localities to refine the task, a clear responsibility to accelerate progress to ensure projects completed on schedule for the "five-second" great good foundation for tourism development. Second, work hard in preparation for major events. Good food festival, "Su Taiwan food exchanges Week" series of activities to further expand the Huai tourism brand. Third, efforts in the service details, constantly improve the level of tourism services.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tours: Taiwan Free Tour

With Xiamen accelerate cross-strait regional financial services center, Xiamen, Taiwan's financial industry as a butt, services, trade-based model for testing will become more prominent. "Ming-Che Wu said.

At present, Xiamen is to accelerate cross-strait financial center, which is approved by the State Council, the continent's first and currently the only cross-strait financial center, is the development of cross-strait financial industry a rare opportunity, but also the central government Xiamen pilot major responsibility. At present, eight Taiwan-funded financial institutions to settle in to talk about the dozens of financial cooperation projects, the future will attract a large number of banks, securities, insurance, funds, futures and other financial institutions to enter, into the west side of the most influential financial industry cluster.

The first half of this year, Xiamen 66 Taiwan-funded projects newly approved, the actual Liyongtaizi $ 290 million, up 65.2% over last year. More and more Taiwanese service and trade industry, in order to test the water of Xiamen-based China market. Currently, Taiwan Dadeng small commodities trading market, the smooth progress of renovation and expansion project, a number of tax policy, so that Taiwan traders as a Denver treasure.
More active cross-strait exchanges. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour in Zhejiang

"Plum" is the West Lake "inscription" After the success of the first typhoon hit, at present, the West Lake scenic area of trees have been reinforced with steel to fight the wind, to prevent lodging. Meanwhile, the West Lake scenic area real-time information linked with the meteorological department, once the wind more than six, all the boats on the lake will be closed.

Travel to defend against typhoons, have suspended the Zhejiang coast tours. Ctrip suspended this weekend all the Zhejiang coast line, active discouraging tourists, refund orders for costs. Suspension lines are Zhoushan Putuo Mountain, Peach Blossom Island, Shengsi and Ningbo Xiangshan, Shipu and other coastal islands like short swim team.

Zhejiang Tourism Bureau issued a typhoon defense notice, requiring visitors to leave well prepared, if necessary, using a variety of effective and timely manner will be affected by typhoons in coastal areas tourists to withdraw security to ensure the safety of tourists. At the same time strengthen the hillside, along the river, brook and reservoirs, lakes and other regional tourism destinations geological disaster prevention.

6 "Oriental Valentine's Day" Tanabata, also coincides with the weekend, many couples may have to travel together to the stars, listening to heartfelt thoughts go under the grape arbor and enjoy the romantic moment. However, bad weather, "Plum" strong incoming tourism department recommends couples, travelers to postpone travel dates, avoid the typhoon.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Tours China: Train Crash Slow Down Xiamen Tour

July 23 Yongwen line motor car rear-end accidents have also spread to the province before the fiery motor car tour. Reporters learned yesterday, Xiamen, Wenzhou, motor car to travel is summer hot line, and now this line has been hot-cold, only a handful of consultants, some travel agents or even canceled out of province motor car travel routes.

Yesterday, CITS Xiamen Airlines published in Daily "The Wild Goose middle of the river island of Wenzhou Train Day Tour 999 yuan," the referral ads. The travel agent told reporters after the line price of 1180 yuan, Wenzhou motor car rear-end accident, launched a special line for promotions. However, visitors should be, few, from more than 50 CITS Xiamen Airlines sales department feedback information point of view, application of the line to be less, and some even have no consulting business department of Wenzhou Train travel.

CITS Xiamen Airlines Mr. Hong told reporters that the responsible person, the recent consultation Wenzhou Train travel significant cooling of tourists, visitors have a resistance of these lines. Xiamen past week made four motor car group in Wenzhou, about 30 people per group, now reduced to two groups.
Some travel agents or even abolish the province's motor car travel routes. Xiamen Comfort Travel Lin Zhiming, general manager, said July 23 after rear-end motor car, motor car was closed by the impact of tourism in Zhejiang had to ride the tour bus back to Xiamen. Taking into account the capacity of poor and tourists contradiction, Comfort has been canceled in late July outside the province motor car travel routes.
Train travel is still popular in the province

Well-known online travel network Showtime CEO Lai Yun-star tourism, told reporters before going Zhejiang Xiamen mainly three lines: the Yandang, Putuo Mountain and Hangzhou. Now several of these line by line motor car rear-end Yongwen greater impact, the rate decreased by 50% or more booking, booking guests also requires Hangzhou line for air. "But not all of a sudden fall into the motor car travel Bingku province, Xiamen travel routes to the motor car motor car line white water ocean is still hot." Star said Lai Yun.

Xiamen Comfort Travel Lin Zhiming, general manager, said visitors to Hangzhou Yandang or can be changed by plane. But visitors to the white water ocean Xiamen, Taimushan other attractions, motor car is still the first choice, so this route is not rear-end impact Yongwen line is still hot. Foreign motor car travel routes, are popular in the summer circuit, the motor car rear-end accident has greatly affected the line, so visitors could eliminate resistance and restore normal operation of the line, at least six months.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour