
Best China Tour of Hong Kong Tour in Nanping

19, the reporter from Nanping Municipal Public Security Bureau officer that July 1 to 18, a total of 3872 people apply for the immigration service, immigration admissibility of the city's daily average of 215 people received a record high.

According to Nanping Municipal Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration, responsible person, on July 1 this year since the start of summer, the number of permits for surge in Hong Kong and Macao, there are only 413 for 18. Apply for an exit for the sudden increase in the number of reasons, mainly the charge that many students travel during the summer vacation, many parents with children also took the opportunity to look out the open horizons, so the increase in family travel situation. In addition, Hong Kong and Macao tour itinerary to travel abroad relatively low cost is one of the reasons.

Municipal Public Security Bureau reminded, in the field have been way permit holders must apply for the second endorsement of the public, through the Fujian Provincial Public Security Entry-Exit Service Hall (http://crj.fjgat.gov.cn:9080) application second endorsement. You can also mail the form, the required documents will be mailed directly to the domicile of Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration or by the staff for their friends and relatives for help.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour

