
China Yunnan Tours Welcome Vietnam Visitors

Red River State and adjacent to Vietnam, 848 km border line, there are two estuaries and Jinping Jinshui national first class port, to carry out border tourism in Vietnam has a unique advantage. Red River in the state since 1993 to carry out since the Vietnam border tourism, tourism cooperation to achieve both from small to large. Tourism business from the initial half-day simple border, day trips, to the present has a number of tours ranging from the length and ranging from day tours to seven days, at different levels to meet the basic needs of tourists. First half of 2011, the mouth of the main economic indicators of international travel high growth. A total of 29,732 people received inbound tourists, up 48 percent over the previous year. Of which: long-term travel visitors 2196 visitors, 29,732 visitors tour the short-term trips, up 69%; received 31846 visitors outbound tourists, up 64% over the previous year. Of which: long-term travel visitors 18,237 passengers, up 85% over last year, 13,609 tourists travel short trips, 42 percent more than last year; operating income of 26.76 million yuan, an increase of 111%, effectively promoted the local economic development.

Vietnam has 86.5 million people, is one of Southeast Asia's most populous country, if the total population of Vietnam by 5 ‰ to measure the rate of travel, the tourism market in Vietnam has nearly 50 million passengers per year the potential to be tapped, with 200,000 a year to the third country in Sabah tourists, is a potentially huge tourist market.

Vietnam to attract more tourists come, the Red River State carried out targeted promotional activities. First, strengthen friendly exchanges with the Vietnamese industry. Honghe often invited Vietnam Travel (business) to study, learn, step line, also was invited to Vietnam to participate in a variety of tourism activities to enhance understanding and establish mutual trust, promote friendship and strengthen cooperation. Second, to Viet Nam to participate in special promotional events. In recent years, the Red River State Tourism Bureau attended the National Tourism Administration held by the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, held high-level, high-standard "Vietnam Friendship Year, a total travel together, China Tourism Night" special promotion activities; in Vietnam Sabah held a special tourism promotion activities in the Red River, Red River and vigorously promote tourism resources, tourism products and tourist routes. Third, travel up the Red River Vietnamese Home. Use the Internet to spread fast, covering a wide range of advantages to the illustrations in the form of propaganda Red River tourism. Fourth, Vietnamese tourism promotional materials produced. Red River state has targeted a large number of Vietnamese produced promotional materials for various tourism promotion activities in Vietnam. Red River in Vietnam, Sabah state also plans to launch large-scale outdoor advertising, to enhance the publicity.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


China Yunnan Honghe Tour Marcketing

Red River forms the state tourism departments to adopt a means of tourism promotion, to increase Vietnam's tourism market promotional efforts, through exchange activities in Vietnam and travel to Viet Nam to participate in promotional activities, special topics, and vigorously promote the Red River tourism products and routes, to Red River increase the visibility of tourism market in Vietnam, do everything possible to increase market share and attract more Vietnamese tourists and visitors to the Red River State third country travel.

Red River State and adjacent to Vietnam, 848 km border line, there are two estuaries and Jinping Jinshui national first class port, to carry out border tourism in Vietnam has a unique advantage. Red River in the state since 1993 to carry out since the Vietnam border tourism, tourism cooperation to achieve both from small to large. Tourism business from the initial half-day simple border, day trips, to the present has a number of tours ranging from the length and ranging from day tours to seven days, at different levels to meet the basic needs of tourists. First half of 2011, the mouth of the main economic indicators of international travel high growth. A total of 29,732 people received inbound tourists, up 48 percent over the previous year. Of which: long-term travel visitors 2196 visitors, 29,732 visitors tour the short-term trips, up 69%; received 31846 visitors outbound tourists, up 64% over the previous year. Of which: long-term travel visitors 18,237 passengers, up 85% over last year, 13,609 tourists travel short trips, 42 percent more than last year; operating income of 26.76 million yuan, an increase of 111%, effectively promoted the local economic development.

Vietnam has 86.5 million people, is one of Southeast Asia's most populous country, if the total population of Vietnam by 5 ‰ to measure the rate of travel, the tourism market in Vietnam has nearly 50 million passengers per year the potential to be tapped, with 200,000 a year to the third country in Sabah tourists, is a potentially huge tourist market.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


2011 China Fujian Tour

July 22, the Provincial Tourism Bureau in the first half of tour veteran cadre held briefings. Provincial Tourism Bureau in Tang Hua Chai, head of discipline on behalf of the Party Group were informed the veteran since the first half of the main work and future work ideas, hope they continue to care for veteran and support the development of tourism in our province, to promote the province economic and social development of tourism contribute to better and faster.
Tang, head of the Bureau of veteran cadres and urged to put my work onto a new stage, the light of reality, one seriously summary. Some good measures, good practices, to continue to maintain and develop, and under the new situation and new requirements continue to improve and perfect; the old comrades of the issues to seriously study and solve. The second is to strengthen co-ordination. Personnel and give full play to the role of veteran cadres branch, from the respected political veteran, veteran ideological concerns of daily life to take care of veteran cadres, so that some of the old veteran, old age, old, old music. Third, according to "politically reliable, unless there is a skill, and style of tough, veteran trust" requirements, more careful, attentive, patient management services to do all the work to continuously improve the ability to do the work and level of veteran.Personnel researcher Yankee retired the first half of the people informed of the work; Lin Xiaofeng Director chaired the meeting. 30 retired retired cadres and institutions participated in the briefing for offices.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Hongze Lake Wetland Tour

Recently, the first China (Sihong) Hongze eco-tourism festival in Sihong Hongze Wetland Park Performing Arts Plaza grand opening. Relevant departments of provincial and municipal leaders, the province's 13 prefecture-level city tourism bureau, part of the province on behalf of tour operators and media reporters attended the opening ceremony.

Deputy secretary, acting mayor of Blue Shaomin behalf of the municipal, Municipal People's Congress, Municipal Government, Municipal Political Consultative Conference on the success of eco-tourism festival to express my sincere congratulations. Provincial Tourism Bureau Deputy Director, Yuan Ding, Sihong county responsible comrades at the opening ceremony. Party Secretary Miaorui Lin announced that the first China (Sihong) Hongze Eco Tourism Festival was officially opened.

First China (Sihong) Hongze eco-tourism festival time for July 16 to 18, during the festival will focus its activities in four main themes: first, held in cooperation with the Central Hongze Tourism Development Association, the second is Meet Sihong organized, surf the wetlands - one thousand riders Sihong Hongze car eco-tour event, held in 2011, Peking University Third wetland health Lecture, four are held in South & North together, sharing good Jiangsu - - millions of tourists travel Sihong activities.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour of Hong Kong Tour in Nanping

19, the reporter from Nanping Municipal Public Security Bureau officer that July 1 to 18, a total of 3872 people apply for the immigration service, immigration admissibility of the city's daily average of 215 people received a record high.

According to Nanping Municipal Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration, responsible person, on July 1 this year since the start of summer, the number of permits for surge in Hong Kong and Macao, there are only 413 for 18. Apply for an exit for the sudden increase in the number of reasons, mainly the charge that many students travel during the summer vacation, many parents with children also took the opportunity to look out the open horizons, so the increase in family travel situation. In addition, Hong Kong and Macao tour itinerary to travel abroad relatively low cost is one of the reasons.

Municipal Public Security Bureau reminded, in the field have been way permit holders must apply for the second endorsement of the public, through the Fujian Provincial Public Security Entry-Exit Service Hall (http://crj.fjgat.gov.cn:9080) application second endorsement. You can also mail the form, the required documents will be mailed directly to the domicile of Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration or by the staff for their friends and relatives for help.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


China Best Tour: Ningbo Tourism Estimation

Recently, Ningbo Tourism Bureau issued "first half of 2011 Ningbo Tourism Economic Operation Analysis Report", It is predicted that outbound best China tour tourism, the Taiwan market will continue to be hot, or the Japanese market will usher in a strong recovery.
June 28 this year, mainland residents to officially open the IVS, which is the second team in 2008 mainland residents visit Taiwan since cross-strait personnel exchanges is a major breakthrough in Taiwan to open the Individual Visit Scheme will greatly change the current format of tourism to Taiwan , so that visitors really "deep engagement" in Taiwan, mainly in the elderly is different from the previous China best tours single-source, personal travel will reach young tourism, business and other spending power of a strong core customer base groups. Meanwhile, Taiwan tourists to Taiwan usually through travel agent documentation procedures, booking air tickets and hotel, arrived in Taiwan after their own arrangements for travel, and travel agents has been aimed at this market a variety of self-help type of tourism products. Therefore, individual travel to Taiwan on the Taiwan market as the second half of the city will leave a hot market.

Since May this year, Japanese tourism to China one after another throughout the organization to conduct B2B and B2C promotion, inviting the Chinese people and the media went to Japan to experience Japanese tourism after the earthquake. Meanwhile, the tour price in Japan after the earthquake before the earthquake had a relatively sharp decline, more cost effective than before, so, with the Japanese earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear radiation and other negative effects of reduced and cost-effective travel promotion, or the Japanese market recovery will be very strong.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Nanjing Tulip Flower Tour

Recently, alternating cold and warm weather, abundant rainfall, Nanjing couple Garden tulip flower park more than a dozen ten thousand to more than 50 species, two thirds are open, most varieties bloom mid-spit color. This is a warm winter has brought us a rare landscape, such best China tour as "Apache Hamilton", "Mickey Mouse", "fair" and other varieties are blooming in full bloom. It is particularly worth mentioning is "fair" this species, workers in the gardens under the careful conservation, actually out of the two flowers, three flowers. According to industry sources, this rare species, rare spectacle, it should be said, this is the tulip's "wonderful", it gives the students and the public to come outing flowers provided a rare case of "spoiled" opportunities.

Recently, the couple garden, flowers and other garden flowers also bloom throughout the park pink Liulv, colorful, beauties of springtime. Public and school China best tours students came to the outing of spring flowers garden lovers will certainly feel good, happy happy. Tulip is the most valuable species - "Night Queen" black tulip, garden lovers recently in the "visit to Butterfly Trail" and the main wedding flower garden flower garden in bloom area.

Full of high ornamental value of the title of the Dutch tulip flower, tulip planting due to a number of Dutch and rich, it has been used a cow in exchange for a rare tulip bulbs. As the tulip has a "emperor daughter mentality," potential, many experts are breeding new varieties and sleepless nights, so its species name a dizzying. Especially the former French writer Alexandre Dumas have praised the "Night Queen" also known as "black widow" black tulip, "painfully blinding bright eyes, the perfect get people to breathe", the black tulip is worth times, been regarded as rare Treasure flower fans. Flower Park in Nanjing has spared no expense this year purchased a small number of black tulips were planted in three sub-area 2, 3, 4, scenic attractions and tulip garden center. In the backdrop of other varieties, the black tulip is even more elegant and unique.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour

Best China Tour: Shanghai Business Tour

July 15, Shanghai Municipal Tourism Bureau attended and witnessed the "China (Shanghai) International Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings" (IT & CM China) organized the tripartite signing ceremony. The contract makes the International Travel Service (Beijing) International best China tour Exhibition Co., Ltd. became the show's co-sponsors, the company's founding parties will jointly show TTG Asia Media and MP International group planning an international exhibition company, joint exhibition in the Shanghai organization of the future .

IT & CM China exhibition in 2007 entered Shanghai, China, organizers of the effort and the Shanghai Tourism Bureau, the Shanghai Tourism Association's strong support of the past five years has grown to become China's leading professional meetings, incentives, conventions China best tours and exhibitions (MICE) business and communication platform. Previous exhibitions domestic and international exhibitors and more than 400 domestic and international buyers evenly distributed, making the General Assembly, unique in the industry, the industry leader.

Shanghai Tourism attaches great importance to the exhibition held in Shanghai leveraging influence to build Shanghai into an international city business convention destination. Tourism Bureau for five consecutive years to participate in the exhibition organized by the overseas buyers and industry media during the exhibition visit Shanghai MICE resources to enable them to Shanghai city image and tourism resources has left a deep impression; and Shanghai exhibition organized every year, the organization exhibitors will award the city, Shanghai MICE promotion resources.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Jinggang Mountain

Recently, the author ticket management from Jinggangshan Authority was informed that as of July 8, Jinggangshan ticket sales this year exceeded billion, close to last year's level.
To receive this best China tour good news, Jian Municipal Committee, Jinggangshan Authority Party Work Committee, Party Secretary Mei Liming Jinggangshan, Jinggangshan Authority, Mayor of Long-wave boat Jinggangshan, Jinggangshan Authority and part of the Party Working Committee member Chen Chunquan Bureau of units directly responsible for people on the same day to the area (point) inspection survey, a front-line staff cordial. In the visit process, Mei Liming Jinggangshan Authority representatives, the municipal government to adhere to Jinggangshan in the front line staff that kindly sympathy, he asked all units and departments to further improve reception services, led the area to exercise leadership responsibility to the people, the beautiful, comfortable, harmonious environment to meet the mountain tourists, continue to create a tourism success.
This year, Jinggangshan to 90th anniversary as an opportunity to fully rely on "attractive red, green to retain people, infected people scene" of tourism resources, and actively promote tourism to grow, to create "red cradle, eco Jinggangmycin, spiritual home "tourism brand. By carefully China best tours organizing the Second International Azalea Festival, and vigorously promote tourist marketing, to expand the training of red tourism industry, strengthening the tourism environment, and greatly enrich and improve the content and grade Jinggangshan tourism, attracting visitors from all over the mountain to accept the revolutionary tradition and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour to Fenghua

Talent to lead the development of science and technology to promote innovation, as technological innovation talent Fenghua first week of an important event. Yesterday, Fenghua Municipal Organization Department, Fenghua City Tourism Bureau, Fenghua, Fenghua City Federation of Trade Unions jointly best China tour organized the Technology Innovation Week and the first human guided Talent Competition Finals in 2011. Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Tourism deputy director Wang Min Xuan, Fenghua Song Dajun, Deputy Mayor of Municipal People's Government, Deputy Minister of Municipal Party Committee Organization Department Mao Yukun and relevant leaders attended the event.
The competition attracted more than 300 guides to enroll in the emergence of a strong group of skilled tour guides, professional high quality guides. With early training and selection of the semi-finals, a total of 15 players boarded the final stage. Finals are divided into four areas: self-introduction, tour guides explain the word, quiz and talent show. After fierce competition, the ultimate in travel from  China best tours Fenghua Yan Mai grams of gold Buddha with analog sites to explain and "Old Boy" won the talent show winner, Xialu, Jiang Yufeng Lin Jiao, Wang Peiqiong, Yu Nana, respectively, to obtain two , third prize. At the same time, the game's top three and get technical experts Fenghua job title.
The competition invited a group of high-quality, professional skills and strong judges referee, the player's performance in a professional wonderful reviews. On how to improve the professional skills of the players made ​​valuable comments.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Marine Silk Road

Zhangzhou "Marine Silk Road" (hereinafter referred to as "sea silk"), the inscription has been started a long time, Hastens inscription, the number of family property can be used as important evidence for the Silk Road at sea? This success is directly related SeaCell best China tour inscription .  Now, the inscription with the latest developments.
Yesterday reporters from Zhangzhou Culture and Publication Bureau, the city of culture management office that currently has 35 selected and highlighted Zhangzhou "sea silk" trade characteristics of the remains, after screening is recommended to declare a 6 point 21 point, also There are 11 points 11 points as an alternative.  Meanwhile, the official topic of the inscription to determine that stage of the Ming and Qing Historical Zhangzhou trade, navigation and trade to trade historical sites, historical sites history of urban development, religious and historical sites as the main type of multi-cultural.
To this end, Zhangzhou City, set up a "sea silk" inscription leadership team, led by Mayor Wu Hongqin in command, take a variety of channels and promote the "sea silk" inscription.
"Sea silk" Zhangzhou Historical inscription can be included in the declaration list of the National Heritage Board, announced in March next year expected. Hastens China best tours remains healthy total of 35 Currently, Zhangzhou City has selected a number of highlights Zhangzhou "sea silk" trade characteristics important historical sites, there are historical sites navigation and trade and commerce, urban development, historical relics, religious and multi-cultural relics, historical sites and other coastal forts.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Fuxin Entertainment

Into the summer, with the weather warming up, to the park to play more and more people, especially some children, like riding the park's various recreational facilities, in order to create a safe play tourist environment, recently, the city garden office in conjunction with the best China tour quality and technical supervision departments of the city's people's Park amusement facility security checks. From the inspection point of view, a large amusement park facilities run well and passed the test.
Reporters saw at the scene, the staff of the high-altitude tour of the safety rope and bumper car seat belts have carried out meticulous checks, but also on the playground and the operator responsible for the propaganda and education on safety and accident prevention guidance further strengthen their safety awareness and ensure the safety of recreational facilities and tourist safety.

Shiyu Qiang, deputy director of People's Park Management, told reporters after the arrival of summer, the growing number of park visitors, in order to ensure the safety of the People's Park is also appropriate to take measures to cope with, the park's various recreational facilities for a security check on the Park been updated within the flower beds, lawns were cut, also deployed additional security personnel to China best tours ease, Park fully prepared and do a safety plan.
Staff reminded the public to ensure safety, take a variety of amusement facilities, be sure to select passed the test rides. In addition, the occupant must also have self-protection. Read "Passengers" and related "warning signs"; Do not hands, feet and other body parts out to; not without unfasten their seat belts; take the rotation, rolling like play equipment, make sure the eye, camera and so easy to drop items Trustee custody.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Tour China Best: Xiamen

Recently, the China Tourism Research Institute in Beijing released the second quarter of 2011, the national tourist satisfaction survey, Xiamen best China tour, visitor satisfaction ranking the 50 major cities 9th, improved over last year 2.
In the second quarter, visitor satisfaction index for the 78.83, in the "satisfied" level; Xiamen visitor satisfaction index of 80.70, the chain in the first quarter improved by 0.8, an upgrade of 5.98 last year, in a "relatively satisfied "level.
China Tourism Research Institute survey shows that in the 50 sample cities in the second quarter, the top 10 tourist satisfaction there Wuxi city, Huangshan, Ningbo, Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Suzhou, Nanjing and so on. There are 32 cities in this quarter's satisfaction has improved, accounting for 64% of the sample cities, more than half of the sample cities to enhance tourist satisfaction. Kwong, Hangzhou, Jinan, Zhangjiajie, Xining, to enhance the city's big tourist satisfaction; 38 cities of tourist satisfaction more stable in the "satisfied" level, accounting for 76% of the sample cities, 80 points or more increase in the number of cities to 10, 70 points below the number of cities reduced to two.
In addition, the quarter China best tours of tourists satisfaction index 81.67, down 3.72 from the previous quarter, which fell 7.94. Downward trend caused by three main reasons, first, travel agencies, accommodation, entertainment and other industries with high inbound tourists evaluate service quality improvement is limited; Second, the majority of tourists to the country involved in the travel industry's evaluation of the actual quality of service generally lower , especially for the evaluation of public services, tourism is relatively low and there is a greater decline of attractions, shopping evaluation also showed a downward trend. Third, the Chinese tourists to Macau and Taiwan, domestic tourism satisfaction is also low, especially for travel agency services and the evaluation of the lower area. For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour to Hong Kong

Yesterday, the interbank foreign exchange market exchange rate of RMB against the U.S. dollar breaking 7.8 mark integer. Affected by this, yesterday 15:26,
best China tour the ratio of the RMB and HK dollar exchange rate for the first time over the years 1:0.9997,13 HK. This message will give the people of Chengdu to Hong Kong to visit what changes, the reporter consulted the Chengdu and Hong Kong's tourism industry. It is understood that the people of Chengdu to Hong Kong travel expenses will save one hundred yuan.
In this connection, deputy general manager of Sichuan Comfort Travel Friends of Bangladesh introduced the RMB exchange rate over HK, Hong Kong tourists to travel in Chengdu has a positive impact, whether it is also common to participate in shopping tour groups, will benefit. He explained that in accordance with the current exchange rate, tourist groups and at the cost of clearing ground operators, including Hong Kong's room, accommodation, tickets will decline, coupled with ground operators caused by competition between the quotes, Chengdu Hong Kong people to travel down the cost at around 5%. It is understood that travel from Chengdu to Hong Kong Siwanwutian price of 2,500 yuan, down conversion, a savings of Chengdu people 100 yuan to 200 yuan fee. "This is China best tours the equivalent of sending a ticket to Hong Kong Disneyland. Down the number is not high, but the visitors will have a psychological impact." Meng friends said.
He explained that the winter season is also a time when Hong Kong and Macau tours, general travel price will go up around $ 400, but the current RMB exchange rate change will be offset to some extent, the impact of the price go up. "Since we use Air charter travel, so little effect on ticket prices." He said.
It is understood that since December last year to now, the province tour Hong Kong and Macao has always been a good source of visitors, tourists circle in the further expansion of state guests Sendai Local Offered rate is high.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


China Best Tour to Village of She People

July 6, 2011, Jingning She held series of village tourism and shopping tour features the standard validation will be the county Bureau of Quality Supervision, business, tourism, construction, health, pharmaceutical and other department heads will participate in validation, the best China tour experts unanimously agreed on "She rural tourism and shopping areas (shops) star ratings," "She rural tourism product regulations," "She rural tourism and shopping district (street) facilities and service standards," "She rural tourism product assessment rules" and other local services standard validation, marking the first travel shopping Jingning series of standard birth for the first time on the travel and leisure shopping streets and shopping and so on normative requirements.
In recent years, with the Jingning tourism and economic development, with local national characteristics of tourism products, souvenirs growing rich, and have achieved some economic and social benefits. But so far, tourist shopping Jingning national standards and industry standards are not introduced, management of shopping travel products are not standardized, so regulate the management of tourism shopping has become a priority. County Bureau of Quality Supervision, Tourism, Trade and Industry Bureau and other departments after several discussions with the main backbone of tourism and quality supervision department drafted "She China best tours rural tourism and shopping areas (shops) star ratings" and other local standards of services, from infrastructure environmental characteristics, services, credit management, service, management, health, safety and other aspects of the specification, and after more than six months of comments and revised and improved. The series of standards development and implementation, to enhance the quality of employees in tourism and shopping, to build She rural cultural tourism brand, rectify and regulate the tourism market order, brand building faith tourism and shopping, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists, the tourism industry to maintain good Jingning image, and so has very important significance.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


China Small Group Tours in Jinan

New Year period, despite the cold foggy weather hit the "block", some people still loves to play out of the house to find their own fun. 2, the reporter was informed by the parties to understand, as opposed to some traditional attractions influenced by low temperature and the off-season, part of the attractions on their own unique characteristics, maintain the temperature of the tourism market.
Jinan, 1 and 2, there is fog, the temperature is lower. While in the New Year holidays, the traffic and winter Baotu almost the same every weekend. Rely on ticket sale through travel and winter swimming in the pulling contest, 1, Daming Lake has attracted more than a thousand China small group tours people visit the park; 2, affected by low temperature less than thousands of tourists a day.
At the same time, low temperature so that some of the indoor exhibition halls favored. According to the Provincial Minister on Science and Technology Museum Public Relations Hande Shun, Qilu Yu emerging as one of the attractions, the Provincial Science and Technology Museum January 1, day 2 to double the number of visitors than usual. To welcome the New Year, the south side of the temporary exhibition hall has also introduced more than 20 pieces of science caravan exhibition items, while the north side of the permanent exhibition of nearly 200 million investment in the replacement of 24 exhibited items, also invested 200,000 yuan updated two 4D movies these attract a large number of tourists.
New Year's Day three days surrounding the small group tours China provincial capital a few ski Jialing popular hot moment. Two days, gold as Ski Resort ski hall, and the brightest players crowds. Well-designed resort snow pet contest and other mass participation game full debut. According to the person in charge of Juan resort introduced, more than 1 800 visitors, 2 to more than 1,000 people. Tourists, the vast majority of parent-child type of family travel. Jinan tourists than about 30% -40%, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang and other provinces around the tourist surge.
New Year's winter tour to several major travel agents to do to bring the obvious good. Reporters learned from Jinan Guoxin Travel, New Year period, they received three other provinces after another travel team. Some tourists from other provinces, said, compared to the Northeast skiing, skiing in the Shandong Province has a short stroke, low fares, accommodation cheap prominent advantages.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: China Family Tour

Summer arrived, a huge number of student travel market has become the recent focus of business. Recently, this reporter visited the major travel agencies found that all types of Family Fun and summer camp activities as a student market, the main product, introduced for best China tour overseas students studying abroad travel products are also popular. Reporters at the Eight Street, a knowledgeable travel service network interview, the staff told reporters: "the arrival of summer, the price of the lines are beginning to rise, because the parents traveling with children during the summer vacation more and more." According to statistics, 7 to September, sales for the tour's largest student travel or almost all of Family Fun.

Domestic lines, Jiuzhaigou, Sanya East China and other lines as well as the students reported group of candidates hottest products. Shanghai Airlines Holiday Jiuzhaigou line manager, told reporters into late June, the off-season will continue in the Jiuzhaigou hot line, this weekend is full, the main team are students. As more and more parents are choosing to go abroad in the summer annual leave China best tours children to play, leaving the product has become the hot summer. Visits to the province's major travel agencies, reporters found that China's Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and abroad, Europe is the most popular tourist destination this summer. High costs for travel abroad, the province part of the travel agencies have launched a special "2 +1" program, that parents take a child to participate in two travel teams, pay only the cost of two parents, this type of promotional activity by the heat holding.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tours: Hainan Promotes International Tour Island

For the July 1 opening of fast trains between Chengdu and Haikou situation. Provincial Tourism Committee from June 26 to June 30, organized promotional group in two best China tour batches of Hainan, in the train passing through the main city of Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang, Liuzhou hold roadshows. Among them, Hu Yueming led deputy director went to Guiyang, Liuzhou, Chen Yi, deputy inspector-wave led to go to Chengdu and Chongqing. Promotion panel members include: Provincial Tourism Committee, the provincial Housing Department, international tourism ambassador for the island, travel agents and area representatives, the media, a total of about 60 people.

Promotion to "sunshine Hainan, paradise" as the theme, according to the "2011 International Tourism in Hainan Island tours Innovative Design Competition" award southwest line, combined with the July 1 opening of fast trains between Chengdu and Haikou, Hainan, a tropical island focused and marine China best tours ecological character and good living environment, and southwestern mountains and the basin landscape and contrast warm and cold climate, through media campaigns, special promotions, etc. to actively develop the South China market, the amount of tourists for more substantial growth.

July 1, Chengdu, Haikou, fast train to the opening of an end to the southwest of Hainan no direct trains to major cities in history. Chongqing, Hainan and Sichuan have heard the two traveling salesman "car" and moving, have a new circuit design for attractive new products. Compared to the expensive air tickets, train fare to save the thousand or so, not only can ease the shortage of air pressure, can meet the needs of different customer base layer. According to the traveling salesman who understood the Galaxy Holiday Travel Hainan has accepted more than 300 tourists in Sichuan Offered registration, Haikou private travel agencies in the July 1 of the first train from Chengdu to the sea in Guiyang has more than 80 people applied, Liuzhou 30 more than one application.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Zhejiang Tour Association

June 30, 2011 Zhejiang Southeast Tourism of the Commonwealth Council Meeting was held in Wenzhou. From Ningbo, Wenzhou, Zhoushan, Shaoxing, Taizhou and other best China tour representatives of the five came together to discuss tourism development ideas, to determine this year's tourism goals. Conference summing up the work of the Commonwealth in 2010, informed the consortium in 2011 and the Southeast Zhejiang tourism work plan "of the Commonwealth management approach" and the logo flag handover ceremony.

Attended by local representatives have expressed their views, put forward the advantages of restructuring to set up a special management team to build a modern network management platform to facilitate communication among members and improve the efficiency of information exchange. Both multi-line, enhancing regional tourism interaction between the use of union dominance, intra-regional travel China best tours guide interaction, focus on the development of long-term guests at the same time, pay more attention to short-term tourism development within the Commonwealth to fully utilize its advantages, so that each member real business benefits.Lucheng year round tourist Authority, as the important post of a member unit of Wenzhou travel, go all out to assist in southeast Zhejiang Tourism Bureau to do all the work of the Commonwealth, were pushing the development of tourism.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour


Best China Tour: Zhangzhou Top 10 Revolutionary Sites

After a month of selection, "Zhangzhou ten revolutionary sites" formally announced the results of selection, these ten revolutionary sites are: the Red Army led by Mao Zedong Memorial Hall Zhangzhou capture, the CPC Fujian Provincial temporary site, peaceful uprising headquarters best China tour site, the CPC Fujian, Guangdong side Work with the Rao and the former site of the Revolutionary Committee of Po Chao, Wang Zhanchun former residence, the Central Red Army Eastern Group Third Army military site, Longhai one red floor, red three groups of nine missions to rendezvous with the red site, Osan Taiwanese former prefectural authorities, Nanjing Shuhai CPC Fujian prefectural site.

Zhangzhou Municipal Party History Research Office has a Shijie Shao, through the last round, large-scale in-depth survey, made clear the true site of Zhangzhou revolution "real situation" first hand, a total of 180 surveys of revolutionary sites. "These revolutionary sites of Zhangzhou revolution card, some located in urban areas, some are located in mountainous areas or towns, and many revolutionary sites and tourist attractions are connected," Stone told the Herald had a reporter, the next step, they will be the revolution site China best tours protection, development and utilization of further digging, butt hope that through this contest, the results strengthen the revolutionary transformation of the site, the revolutionary relics protection and exploitation, with the development of red tourism industry, promote local economic and social development and, can be combined with the natural landscape, cultural landscape, to be developed into tourist attractions or a good combination with the local tourist attractions, making it the revolutionary tradition and patriotism education bases.For more information, please shift to China Wonderful Tour